What Is Messier 87 (M87)? Complete Guide & Review About MESSIER

What Is Messier 87 (M87)? Complete Guide & Review About MESSIER

What Is MESSIER (M87)?

Messier 87 (M87) is a fully decentralized black hole for private transactions on the Ethereum network. It is an improved fork of Tornado Cash. Messier 87 (M87) is a fully decentralized black hole for private transactions on the Ethereum network. It is an improved fork of Tornado Cash. They believe the anonymity and encryption are the two true foundation of cryptocurrencies, They will do our best to deliver a better more refined experience for all in a world where the screws of surveillance are constantly tightening, where does that leave cryptocurrencies? Bitcoin is the dominant one, But it is only pseudonymous, not anonymous.in other words,

If there are crumbs left over to tie one”s identity with a wallet address, Crypto assets can be traced. Following the footsteps of tornado cash we are creating M87 own improved blockchain black hole. When tokens are either deposited or withdrawn from M87, there is no link between that address and the new one. for this reason, You can request your funds to be sent to M87, And withdraw them into your non-custodial wallet. When this happens, The link between the initial sender is then severed, Thus ensuring your financial privacy on a the public blockchain.

Coin BasicInformation
Coin NameMessier 87
Short NameM87
Total Supply1,000,000,000,000
Max Supply1,000,000,000,000
Source CodeClick Here To View Source Code
ExplorersClick Here To View Explorers
Twitter PageClick Here To Visit Twitter Group
WhitepaperClick Here To View
Official Project WebsiteClick Here To Visit Project Website

The Treasury

A treasury will be built upon the transaction fees of the black hole, Providing staking apy and governance to M87 holders.

Initially, Messier 87 will be governed by the founding team, Ultimately control of the project will be transferred to the community, where day-to-day operations, business strategy and token utility will be governed by community vote.


M87 (Messier 87; also known as Virgo A) is a giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo constellation, whose nucleus contains a black hole and is the first to ever be directly imaged. M87 is the most powerful known source of radio energy among the thousands of known galactic systems.

A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot escape it. They view M87 as being THE black hole of the Ethereum blockchain.

How does it work

Transactions in a blockchain ultimately form one long chain, which makes it easy to trace. M87 improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between the recipient and destination addresses.

It does this using a smart contract that accepts deposits for a certain token at a fixed denomination. For example, the 10 ETH contract will only allow deposit and withdrawal of 10 ETH. At launch we will have the following token and denomination combos available:

  • 0.5 ETH
  • 1 ETH
  • 2 ETH
  • 5 ETH
  • 10 ETH

Once the funds are deposited, the user will receive a “note”, which is proof or claim to your deposited funds. This note is then used by another address to withdraw the same amount of funds that you deposited. As a result, you will have transferred funds from one address to another address without there being a direct link between the two addresses.


2% of trading tax is used for development and the hiring of experienced developers to help code, run and maintain the black hole. 1% of trading tax is added back to the liquidity pool.

Why use Morsecode?

They will continue to communicate in Morse on the main channel to emphasize the vision of encryption and anonymity. If you wish to translate the messages, you can use our built in translator.


M87 Contract has been properly renounced with no dangerous backdoors and cannot be configured to scam.

Fair launched – no preloaded wallets.

100% of liquidity locked for 31755 days.

Trade tax (immutable): 3% per swap.


The roadmap is designed to convey the bigger picture as to what it is that we are really building here. The overview displays M87 milestones, deliverables and objectives. Exact dates are sell pressure triggers and will never be given on the roadmap; so as to avoid whale games. M87 will surprise you when you least expect it: Q2 could reflect any day between April 1st & June 30th. There will be clues as we approach significant dates.

Lixu Is Very Old Author At Hyipstation . He Lost So Much Money At Online Investment And He Think From Now No Body Loss Money From Here . He Start Writing Article To Alert About Risk Of Online Investment Program .