What Is 7Pixels (7PXS)? Complete Guide & Review About 7Pixels

What Is 7Pixels (7PXS)? Complete Guide & Review About 7Pixels

What Is 7Pixels (7PXS)?

7Pixels is an NFT marketplace. 7 Pixels will be a new frontier of a truly democratized NFT metaverse economy. It”s fulfilling this vision through a variety of different ways , such as redefining the value of NFTs to enhancing user’s experience and ultimately creating value for all stakeholders.

The mission of 7Pixels is to open up the vast potential within the Metaverse and NFT niche to maximize value for every user. To also be a frontier of a decentralized metaverse economy by redefining the value of NFTs, enhancing the metaverse experience, and enabling value-creation for all participants.

Coin BasicInformation
Coin Name7Pixels
Short Name7PXS
Max Supply16,200,000.00 7PXS
Total Supply6,241,667
Source CodeClick Here To View Source Code
ExplorersClick Here To View Explorers
Twitter PageClick Here To Visit Twitter Group
WhitepaperClick Here To View
Official Project WebsiteClick Here To Visit Project Website

What Makes 7Pixels Unique?

  1. Community-driven NFT-Metaverse ecosystem 7Pixels allows wider community participation in the NFT-Metaverse ecosystem by enabling the role of endorsers in a marketplace where interactions were earlier limited to buyers and sellers. These endorsers will be instrumental in backing their NFTs of choice, which will help in determining their valuation. Anyone can become an endorser and their involvement drastically changes the NFT marketplace dynamics by allowing community participation in driving value to the entire ecosystem.
  2. Fair Price Discovery for NFTs Until now the pricing of NFTs were decided by sellers and buyers depending on the listing and bid prices. Such practice is not reflective of the asset’s real value, making the determination of a fair price virtually impossible. By enabling community participation in their role as endorsers, 7Pixels provides a basis to decide the NFTs prices. A simple concept that benefits everyone, the number of endorsers or total stakes behind each NFT will determine the value. In return, endorsers stand to receive a reward for their proactive involvement in the system.
  3. All-Inclusive DeFi Model The DeFi elements in any project enable the community to earn rewards for participation. It acts as a great incentive mechanism for participants by offering a passive income stream. So far, none of the projects have seriously considered integrating NFT-Metaverse and DeFi ecosystems to leverage the benefits of both worlds. 7Pixels is set to change it all by enabling seamless integration between the NFT-Metaverse and DeFi ecosystems. The DeFi features on 7Pixels includes a unique staking model that enables endorsers supporting NFT listings to unlock financial opportunities.
  4. Low Barriers The majority of the NFT and Metaverse ecosystems in the industry are built on the Ethereum protocol, leading to significant cost overheads in the form of mining and transaction fees. The gas fees on the Ethereum blockchain have created a hindrance to adoption for many as it has become common for the transaction fees to exceed the cost of NFTs on various occasions. To overcome this issue, 7Pixels has based its ecosystem on the EVM compatible Binance Smart Chain protocol instead of Ethereum.

Redefine the value of NFTs

A democratized architecture that creates real-utility of NFTs and enables mass participation

Enhance the metaverse experience

Redefines innovation with opportunities that enhance community living in the metaverse

Community-driven marketplace

An inclusive and community-driven business model that encompasses all stakeholders.

Value Creation For Everyone

For the first time ever, art endorsers can be a part of the NFT marketplace experience. 7Pixels offers art connoisseurs to participate in laying the foundation of an open and democratized metaverse.

Defi Models

7Pixels brings a unique innovation that optimizes a user’s experience in the NFT-Metaverse landscape. The business model integrates DeFi functionality into its ecosystem for NFT staking which unlocks financial opportunities.

NFT Metaverse

Generates real-utility for NFTs by facilitating buyers to rent their NFTs in the secondary market, use NFTs as collaterals and create a metaverse economy. The solution provides surreal metaverse experience through events, co-working space and exhibitions and meta-neighbour hoods.

Business Model

Creator lists ART on 7Pixels marketplace. Each Creator gets the option to list their NFTs for endorsing.

Endorsers can stake on their favorite NFT to get staking rewards while amplifying the value of ART

Bidders can bid on the NFT after the staking period is complete

What is the utility of the 7Pixels tokens (7PXS)?

7Pixels’ native token will be used for governance, carrying out NFT transactions, and will be instrumental in accessing the platform’s services and products. Staking Rewards: Lock $7Pixels tokens to unlock staking rewards Holders can lock 7Pixels tokens in the platform’s staking program and earn passive income and staking rewards for contributing to various liquidity pools. DAO Governance: Decide the future and direction of 7Pixels 7Pixels’ goal is to become a completely decentralized, community-driven NFT marketplace. Holders of $7Pixels will have voting rights and the power to leverage their token holdings to debate, propose, and vote on all modifications to the platform. Liquidity Pool: Benefit from DeFi solutions 7Pixels token holders will also be able to stake on their favorite NFTs in the 7Pixels liquidity pool. Fees: Access the 7Pixels experience with exclusive events

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