Portal Airdrop Review: Complete the Transaction.

Portal Airdrop Review: Complete the Transaction.

About Portal Airdrop

Portal Airdrop is a bridge that offers unlimited transfers across chains for tokens and NFTs wrapped by Wormhole. Unlike many other bridges, users avoid double wrapping and never have to retrace their steps. They doesn’t have an own token yet but could launch one in the future. Early users who’ve used the bridge may get an airdrop if they launch an own token.

Token NamePortal Airdrop
Airdrop EndN/A
KYCKYC Is Not Requirement
WhitepaperClick Here To View
Max. ParticipantsUnlimited
Collect AirdropClick Here To Collect Free Airdrop

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the Portal Airdrop website.
  2. Connect a supported chain wallet.
  3. Select the token you want to transfer.
  4. Now connect a destination chain wallet.
  5. Complete the transaction.
  6. Portal doesn’t have an own token yet and early users who’ve used the bridge may get an airdrop if they launch an own token.
  7. Please note that there is no guarantee that they will do an airdrop and that they will launch their own token. It’s only speculation.

Core Bridge Contract

Core Bridge Contracts are smart contracts deployed on each chain. These contracts have two functions that developers can take advantage of. They can emitVAA and verifyVAA. EmitVAA takes a structured binary blob of data and publishes it for the Guardian network to read and observe. VerifyVAA takes a VAA and verifies the signatures on it match the registered guardians.

Portal Token Bridge

The Portal Token Bridge is a set of smart contracts that are custody funds on source chains and issue the corresponding wrapped assets on the target chain. Portal is built on top of the Wormhole protcol, and has specific structured payloads that it sends as VAAs.

VAA – Verifiable Action Approval

Messages emitted by contracts need to be verified by the guardians before they can be sent to the target chain. Once a majority of guardians reach consensus that an observation has been made, the message is wrapped up in a structure called a VAA which combines the message with the guardian signatures to form a proof. These VAA’s are ultimately what a smart contract on a receiving chain must process in order to receive a wormhole message.

Token Bridge

Portal is a bridge that offers unlimited transfers across chains for tokens and NFTs wrapped by Wormhole. Unlike many other bridges, you avoid double wrapping and never have to retrace your steps.

Token Register

Portal bridge allows protocols to permission lessly send their tokens cross-chain, allowing access to more markets and users! Using Portal bridge as the canonical bridge to send your token cross-chain ensures there is no double wrapping of your asset when sending it between multiple chains. Following the guide below ensures that the token name and symbols appear correctly on the explorers.

Tutorial: Token registration

The token register allows users and protocols to register any token for the first time on any chain. Registering a token will incur a small fee.

Sending Messages

Sending messages with wormhole is as easy as calling the on chain program with the correct arguments, or using the javascript SDK to send messages from the client. With each message, it’s required to include a nonce, which is a random number used to make sure the same message isn’t processed twice.


After the guardians have signed the Wormhole message it’s considered a VAA, or Verifiable Action Approval. This VAA sits in a mailbox with the Guardians that is accessible via the Guardian RPC endpoints.

These VAAs can be picked up by anyone, including the original user and submitted to the target chain. In some cases, we have automatic relayers that pick up and submit transactions for a fee charged to the user that initiated the message.

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