About BookScouter Affiliate Program
Welcome to BookScouter Affiliate Program. Joining Affiliate marketing program will help you monetize the traffic on your websites, blogs, and other channels. Share affiliate links to our website with your audience and get paid for every conversion!
BookScouter is a web app that helps to compare prices on a given ISBN with a single search. It aggregates data from 20+ booksellers and 30+ buyback vendors and shows you the best price instantly.
There are many sites that buy used textbooks, but the prices these site offer vary widely. In some cases, one site may buy a book for one or two dollars while another site might offer $20. Obviously, it’s worth looking around to make sure you’re getting the most money for your used books.
BookScouter Affiliate Program makes this process easy by quickly searching all those sites for you. The technology submits the ISBN to each of the sites, just as you would. It then displays the prices from those sites so you can see the range of offers and decide where you want to sell your book.
Key Points Of BookScouter Affiliate Program
Affiliate | Key Points |
Affiliate Program Type | BookScouter Affiliate Program |
Commission | $1 for each conversion |
Min Payment | $1 |
Langugae | English |
Payment Method | PayPal |
Official Website | Homepage |
How To Join BookScouter Affiliate Program
Join BookScouter Affiliate Program Is Very Easy Task Just Follow Below Guidelines .
- First Visit BookScouter Affiliate Program Affiliate Program Pages .
- Click On Join Or Sign Up Button On Website .
- Fill All Necessary Details Like Your Name , Email , Etc . Fill All Data Correctly .
- Next Submit Forms .
- Once You Approved By BookScouter Team You Can Now Login To Your Account And Click On Affiliate Option On Website .
- Now It Is Time To Create and Share your referral links
- When someone signs up or registers an account on BookScouter with your referral link, you can get up to commission every time they complete a trade. So hurry up, join the program now.
Become a BookScouter Affiliate
Joining the BookScouter Affiliate marketing program will help you monetize the traffic on your websites, blogs, and other channels. Share affiliate links to our website with your audience and get paid for every conversion!
How to become a BookScouter Affiliate?
- They will ask you to answer several questions via Typeform:
- How do you plan to promote BookScouter on your site?
- What are your traffic statistics? Please attach screenshots of analytics of your site or channels.
Your application will be reviewed within 2 weeks.
- If your profile meets the criteria of the program, you will get an email stating approval.
BookScouter will set an account on LinkTrust for an approved affiliate.
- You will get all the login details in a separate email. Via LinkTrust, you will be able to generate referral links to share them on your site, social networks, or media channels.
Put these referral links to work!
- You will get $1 for each conversion. A conversion is a transaction completed with any vendor/bookstore by a user referred to BookScouter through an affiliate link.
Get paid on the 15th of every month for the previous month.
- Your commission is calculated via LinkTrust.
Who can become a BookScouter Affiliate?
They are happy to welcome the following content creators and organizations as BookScouter affiliates:
Blogs or websites
- With related content (i.e., books, college, student lifestyle)
- Are not related to the themes promoted by BookScouter but still would like to spread the word about BookScouter with their audience
Social media accounts
- With an established following of a similar target group
Libraries and private schools
- That want to send referral links by email to their customers.
How Can You Promote BookScouter?
Referral links
Sign up to get a referral link
Search box widget
Customize it and grab the code
B2B partnership
Start making money money with BookScouter
An average BookScouter affiliate earns $500 and more a month
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