ApeCoin Airdrop Review: NFTs are Eligible to Claim the Airdrop.

ApeCoin Airdrop Review: NFTs are Eligible to Claim the Airdrop.

About ApeCoin Airdrop

ApeCoin Airdrop (APE) is the native governance token that empowers the decentralized community building of the APE ecosystem. The APE ecosystem includes the community of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), two of the most popular NFT collections on the Ethereum blockchain.

ApeCoin is airdropping a total of 150,000,000 APE to BAYC and MAYC NFT holders. Users who own Bored Ape or Mutant Ape NFTs are eligible to claim up to 10,950 APE. Users have until 90 days to claim the airdrop else the unclaimed tokens will be sent to the Ecosystem Fund.

Token NameApeCoin Airdrop
Airdrop End2022-06-15
Total Value150,000,000 APE
KYCKYC Is Not Requirement
WhitepaperClick Here To View
Max. ParticipantsUnlimited
Collect AirdropClick Here To Collect Free Airdrop

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the ApeCoin airdrop claim page.
  2. Connect your Metamask wallet.
  3. If you’re eligible then you will be able to claim free APE tokens.
  4. Users who own Bored Ape or Mutant Ape NFTs are eligible to claim the airdrop.
  5. If you own a Bored Ape NFT then you will be able to claim 10,094 APE, if you own a Mutant Ape NFT then you will be able to claim 2,042 APE, if you own a Bored Ape + Kennel Club NFTs then you will be able to claim 10,950 APE or if you own a Mutant Ape + Kennel Club NFTs then you will be able to claim 2,898 APE.
  6. Eligible users have until 90 days to claim the airdrop else the unclaimed tokens will be sent to the Ecosystem Fund.
  7. For more information regarding the airdrop, see this page.


ApeCoin DAO exists because decentralized governance is critical to building and managing a globally dispersed community—and therefore critical to the success of the APE ecosystem.

The APE Improvement Proposal Process (see Governance) will allow ApeCoin DAO members to make decisions regarding Ecosystem Fund allocations, governance rules, projects, partnerships, and beyond. ApeCoin DAO membership is open to all ApeCoin holders.

The APE Foundation

The APE Foundation is the steward of ApeCoin Airdrop . It is not an overseer, but the base layer on which holders in the DAO can build.

The Foundation facilitates decentralized and community-led governance and is designed to become more decentralized over time. It is tasked with administering the decisions of the ApeCoin DAO, and is responsible for day-to-day administration, bookkeeping, project management, and other tasks that ensure the DAO community’s ideas have the support they need to become a reality.

The goal of the APE Foundation is to steward the growth and development of the APE ecosystem in a fair and inclusive way. It utilizes the Ecosystem Fund, which is controlled by a multisig wallet, to pay its expenses as directed by the ApeCoin DAO and provides an infrastructure for ApeCoin holders to collaborate through open and permissionless governance processes.


Culture has found new expression in web3 through art, gaming, entertainment, and events. The possibilities for blockchain’s impact on culture are so endless that they can’t possibly all be predicted yet. APE is a token made to support what’s next, controlled and built on by the community. It will serve as a decentralized protocol layer for community-led initiatives that drive culture forward into the metaverse.

The Board

A special council on the APE Foundation (the DAO’s “Board”) provides, at the behest of the DAO members, oversight of the Foundation administrators. The purpose of the Board is to administer DAO proposals and serve the vision of the community. It meets on proposals requiring administrative review under ApeCoin DAO rules. The initial Board serves a term of six months, after which DAO members will vote annually on Board members.

  • Alexis Ohanian
    Co-founder of Reddit; General Partner & Founder of Seven Seven Six
  • Amy Wu
    Head of Ventures & Gaming at FTX
  • Maaria Bajwa
    Principal at Sound Ventures
  • Yat Siu
    Co-founder & Chairman of Animoca Brands
  • Dean Steinbeck
    President & General Counsel at Horizen Labs


ApeCoin Airdrop is an ERC-20 governance and utility token used within the APE ecosystem to empower a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3.

As the open-source protocol layer of the ecosystem, ApeCoin serves several purposes:

GovernanceApeCoin is the ecosystem’s governance token, allowing holders to participate in ApeCoin DAO.
Unification of SpendThis is the ecosystem’s utility token, giving all its participants a shared and open currency that can be used without centralized intermediaries.
AccessThey provides access to certain parts of the ecosystem that are otherwise unavailable, such as exclusive games, merch, events, and services.
IncentivizationThis is a tool for third-party developers to participate in the ecosystem by incorporating APE into services, games, and other projects.

ApeCoin Allocation

The total supply of ApeCoin Airdrop is permanently fixed at 1 billion tokens. No minting capability is exposed through the contract interface, thus the total supply will never increase. Similarly, the contract interface does not expose any token burning capability, so the total supply will never decrease.

In line with the standard practice, a portion of the tokens for contributors to the project will be initially locked. Locked tokens will be unlocked over a period of 48 months, in accordance with the predetermined unlock schedule in the chart below, starting on launch day, March 17, 2022.

They will be distributed among four main groups, as detailed in the chart below. Wallets holding tokens alloted to the DAO treasury and resources can be viewed here.

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