What Is DARTH(DAH)? Complete Guide & Review About DARTH

What Is DARTH(DAH)? Complete Guide & Review About DARTH


DARTH is transforming DeFi with the Darth Autostaking Protocol that delivers the industry’s high fixed APY, rebasing gains every 15 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet, fast.

The Ultimate Defi App For DEX trading Darth DEX provides real-time analysis for crypto assets trading on decentralized exchanges to millions of users. With this integration, users to monitor big spreads on pool pairs, and perform many other useful trading functions; thereby allowing users to anticipate and develop better trading strategies.

Darth Wallet Darth Wallet is cryptocurrency wallet software that allows you to trade various cryptocurrencies safely. The program provides you with a secure access key that keeps your assets safe against unauthorized access.

Coin BasicInformation
Coin NameDARTH Coin
Short NameDAH
Circulating Supply3.25B DAH
Total Supply3,250,000,000
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Decentralized Financial

DARTH provides a decentralized financial asset where investors are rewarded with a fixed compound interest through the use of the proprietary protocol.

The Auto-Staking Protocol is a financial protocol that makes staking easier and more efficient and gives token holders stable crypto returns.

How does the AutoStake work?

The Auto Stake feature is a simple but very advanced process called Buy-Hold-Grow, which provides ease of use and safety for holders.

Buy-Hold-Grow – Once you have purchased a DARTH token and held it in your wallet, your tokens will automatically increase every 15 minutes.

By using the positive re-establishment formula that Darth allows you to pay and distribute tokens directly every 15 minutes of the total amount of tokens in your wallet, this means that without taking out, transferring your tokens from your wallet, all Darth holders will receive annual interest 383,000% vehicle for the first year (12 months)

DARTH Insurance Fund

Darth Insurance Fund which is a separate wallet in the Darth system A simple example, staking winnings distributed every 15 minutes is backed by insurance fund that keeps the interest rate stable for holders of the DARTH token in dollars.

5% of all trading fees are stored in the trust fund which helps maintain and support staking gains through positive redemption.

The insurance fund maintains the safety of its holders through:

  • Token price stability by preventing rapid crashes
  • Long-term sustainability work for
  • Significantly reduce the risk of price decline

Why Choose DARTH

Almost Zero Risk with Insurance Fund 

5% of all trading transaction fees are allocated and insured in Insurance Fund which helps mitigate the downside risk, this will ensure the stability and validity of protocol

Simple and Safe Process 

The process of registering the DARTH token in your wallet is from the beginning of your purchase of the token, there is no need to transfer the token over the internet from the moment you buy it, you start receiving gains.

Automatic Payouts and Gains 

From the first time you start your bet you don’t have to bet more, the automatic staking and installation mechanism pays the gains directly to your wallet every time.

Strongest APY in Crypto 

The pays 383,000.0% in the first 12 months which rivals anything with DeFi. After the first 12 months, the interest rate decreases during the period of a long-term interest cycle predetermined in the token contract.

Cumulative Profit Payment 

DARTH pays each Token holder every 15 minutes or 96 times every day.

Automatic Burning 

This is a system that aims to make token more stable through automatic token burning which prevents it from getting out of control and becoming unmanageable or back, 2.5% of total darth token market sales burned in the same single transaction.

Lixu Is Very Old Author At Hyipstation . He Lost So Much Money At Online Investment And He Think From Now No Body Loss Money From Here . He Start Writing Article To Alert About Risk Of Online Investment Program .