Bitget Cryptocurrency Exchange Review : Pros & Cons

Bitget Cryptocurrency Exchange Review : Pros & Cons

What is Bitget?

Bitget launched in 2018, Bitget provides comprehensive and secure trading solutions to our global userbase. With a core focus on social trading, Bitget has amassed over 8 million users, 1.1 million followers, and 55,000 professional traders from more than 100 countries around the world. Bitget is ranked in the top five globally by CoinGecko for derivatives trading by volume, and has generated over US$100 billion in trading volume in 2021 alone.

Information Table

Exchange Name Bitget
Exchange Service Spot and futures trading
Exchange Launch Year2018
Made InUS
Mobile App Android & iOS
Fiat Option Available
2FA SecurityAvailable
Min Takers Fees0.08%
Min Makers Fees0.08%
Referral ProgramYour Daily Commission
SupportEmail & Live Chat Option Available
Official WebsiteClick Here To Visit

How To Register At Bitget Exchange ?

To register on Bitget, click Register Now button at the top of the page. You can also start creating an account directly through the form on the main page.

How To Register At Bitget Exchange ?

You only need to enter your e-mail and come up with a password. If there is a referral code, it is also entered at this stage. Password requirements: at least 8 characters, numbers, upper and lower case.

Click ” Create Account ” then go to your email to verify it. Enter the code you received and registration is complete. You can start replenishing your account.

How To Verify Your Bitget Cryptocurrency Account ?

There is no mandatory verification at Bitget, but you can pass it if you wish. At the moment, the only restriction imposed on unverified users is the withdrawal limit of 0.008. In the future, depending on the actions of regulatory authorities, conditions may change.

For verification, you can use one of four documents to choose from: passport, driver’s license, identity card or residence permit. Artificial intelligence is used to evaluate the authenticity of documents. This service is provided by the Onfido online identification service, already used by the Bitget, Revolut platforms.

How To Buy Crypto Or Deposit Crypto At Bitget Crypto Exchange ?

There are two main options for topping up your balance on Kraken. Firstly, you can buy cryptocurrency with a bank card – it’s fast and convenient. Go to the ” Buy crypto ” -> ” Buy crypto with a credit card ” section.

Choose a cryptocurrency (currently there are 13 coins available for purchase in this way). Enter the amount and select the fiat currency to be used for payment.

After that, you will need to select a payment channel: each of them has conditions. You can choose between Simplex, Mercuryo, Banxa and Moonpay. Click ” Buy ” next to the appropriate option.

Agree to the terms and confirm the transition to the site of the payment provider. Enter information about the card and its owner, confirm the transaction. Cryptocurrency will be credited to the exchange account within a few minutes.

Second Method

You can transfer digital assets to the balance of the exchange from any external crypto wallet. For this:

  • Go to the “Deposit” section from the “Assets” menu.
  • From the drop-down list, you can select the cryptocurrency you want to deposit into your account.
  • The wallet address will appear. You need to copy it and send funds to it from another wallet or exchange. Please note that only bitcoin can be sent to bitcoin addresses, similarly with other coins.
  • You can also click “Show QR code” – for transfers from a mobile wallet, this is a more convenient option.

How To Withdraw Crypto Asset From Bitget Exchange ?

Having completed all the necessary trading operations, it’s time to withdraw the received assets to an external wallet. Go to ” Assets ” -> ” Withdraw “. Please note that the operation is only available after enabling two-factor authentication in the settings. This is for added security and requires less than a minute, so don’t neglect this measure.

Select a cryptocurrency and enter the withdrawal amount. Each coin has its own withdrawal fee, for example, for BTC it is 0.00057 BTC. Click ” Output “. By default, the exchange processes applications three times a day, however, hourly withdrawals are available for Premium users. Also, the time of receipt of the cryptocurrency is affected by the workload of the blockchain network.

How To Secure Your Bitget Account ?

Also remember to go to the Security tab and activate two-factor authentication using the Google Authenticator app – this is the most reliable way to prevent unauthorized access to your account.


Bitget charges fees for trading on its platform. The exact fees charged by Bitget will depend on the specific trading pair and the user’s 30-day trading volume. In general, Bitget charges a taker fee for executing trades that remove liquidity from the order book and a maker fee for executing trades that add liquidity to the order book. Bitget’s fees are competitive with other cryptocurrency exchanges and are designed to help users maximize their profits. It is recommended to check the fees charged by Bitget for specific trading pairs before executing trades on the platform.

Spot Trading

Spot Trading



Features Of Bitget Crypto Exchange

Available At Android & IOS Store

Bitget Cryptocurrency Exchange exchange application available on both world famous mobile store google play store and iOS store . You Can download App and start trading .

The Future of Trading is Social

Through your flagship products like One-Click Copy Trading and Grid Trading, Bitget is helping your community engage, interact, and learn from each other in ways that were never before possible. Experience the power of social trading today, and be sure to join us physically or virtually at one of the many events, meetups, and conferences that hold around the world.

Battle-tested Technology

Stable and secure trading, even in the most extreme market conditions.

Full Quantitative Trading Tools

Fully open API, supports CCXT, Quantitative Trading Tool Gunbot, Autoview, Sirius Trader.

Wide range of digital assets

Bitget supports trading in a variety of digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins.

User-friendly interface

Bitget has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it accessible for novice traders.

High security

Bitget implements cutting-edge security measures to protect users’ assets, including encrypted SSL connections, cold wallet storage, and two-factor authentication.

24/7 customer support

Bitget offers 24/7 customer support to assist users with any issues they may encounter while using the platform.

Competitive fees

Bitget charges competitive fees for trading, helping users to maximize their profits.

Global access

Bitget is accessible globally, making it easy for users to trade on the platform from anywhere in the world.

API access

Bitget offers API access to users, enabling them to automate their trading strategies and improve their overall trading experiences.

High liquidity

Bitget has high liquidity, ensuring fast and efficient trading experiences for users.

Bitget Conclusion

Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers a range of features and services to its users. With a focus on security, Bitget implements cutting-edge security measures to protect users’ assets, and offers a wide range of digital assets for trading, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins. Additionally, Bitget provides a user-friendly platform that is easy to navigate and understand, making it accessible for both novice and experienced traders. However, as with any investment, it is important to conduct thorough research and assess your own risk tolerance before using Bitget or any other platform for trading digital assets.