Odos Airdrop Review : They Built on Smart Contracts

Odos Airdrop Review : They Built on Smart Contracts

Odos Airdrop Smart Order Routing (SOR) is a patented Automated Market Maker (AMM) path finding algorithm, which aggregates decentralized exchanges (DEX) and finds optimal routes for cryptocurrency token swaps. Odos enables retail and institutional traders to benefit from incremental savings when converting one or several cryptocurrency tokens into other asset(s).

Token NameOdos Airdrop
Airdrop EndN/A
Total valueN/A
KYCKYC Is Not Requirement
WhitepaperClick Here To View
Max. ParticipantsUnlimited
Collect AirdropClick Here To Collect Free Airdrop

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the Odos website.
  2. Connect your Polygon or Arbitrum wallet.
  3. Select a source token.
  4. Now select a destination token and make a swap.
  5. You can also try out their Multi-Token Input swap.
  6. Also complete the simple tasks and claim the OAT project galaxy Odos Nft to increase your chance.
  7. Odos doesn’t have an own token yet. Early users of the platform who’ve made a swap may get an airdrop if they launch an own token.
  8. Please note that there is no guarantee that they will do an airdrop and that they will launch their own token. It’s only speculation.

Why is DEX aggregation needed?

Today, significant trading volume exists outside of traditional cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, FTX and others. This volume is executed in a permissionless fashion on decentralized exchanges (DEX) using automated market makers that leverage liquidity pools (crowdsourced token pairs locked in a smart contract) rather than centralized order books.

As the number of DEXs, liquidity sources and token pairs continues to grow, the process of finding the best exchange rate between one or more digital assets becomes computationally intensive. Odos aggregates many DEXs and other liquidity sources to deliver the best swap rates for its users on many different blockchains.

The Ultimate Path for your Swaps

Odos Smart Order Routing (SOR) utilizes a unique patented algorithm to search significantly more complex (non-linear) paths through an unlimited set of connector tokens.

Our smart contract optimization ensures these paths can be executed without compromising on gas costs. As a result, Odos is able to find the ultimate path for any swap, delivering significant savings to its users.

Dex Aggregation Advantage


Decentralized exchanges are built on smart contracts and allow for permissionless listing and swapping of tokens, providing unlimited access to onchain assets.

Best Rates

Odos searches hundreds of DEXs and thousands of liquidity pools in order to find the combination of swaps that provides you the best rate.

Self Custody

Unlike centralized exchanges, users maintain full control over their funds when swapping on Odos, eliminating third-party custody risks.


Odos’ smart contracts are audited by third parties and transparently execute your swap on-chain, enforcing the utmost security and keeping your funds safe.

How is Odos different?

Odos traverses a large universe of possible token swap combinations and non-linear paths to deliver complex routes and best exchange rates without compromising on gas fees. Odos is also the first DEX aggregator to introduce a multi-token input feature that allows users to swap from several tokens in a single atomic transaction.

Who is behind Odos?

Odos was founded by the team at Semiotic Labs, which focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, cryptography, and blockchain, working to optimize Web3. Semiotic Labs is a core developer for The Graph protocol, contributing to research and development involving autonomous decision-making agents, zk-SNARKs, and AI-based determination of query costs, bringing secure and verifiable automation to Web3.

Atomic Multi-Token Input Swaps

Odos is the first Dex Aggregator to allow users to swap from multiple tokens into one asset in a single atomic transaction. Effortlessly swap a basket of input tokens into the desired output all at once, saving on gas costs and limiting market volatility. Clean up the dust in your wallet and save!

Cross-chain Arbitrage

Odos arbitrage tracker (formerly westerngate.xyz) computes optimal arbitrage for over 30 million paths in real time, allowing its users to monitor and analyze cross-domain Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) opportunities.

Odos API New Level of Trading

Take institutional trading to the next level with Odos. By connecting your trading algorithms with our API, traders can optimize their order routing and take advantage of custom multi-asset swaps and other features.

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